We are taking over Cairo!
Step into a world of exotic splendor, where temperatures are balmy, majestic minarets pierce the sky, and the reverberation of the muezzin's prayer fills the air with tranquility. Cairo is truly a captivating city, with a fascinating history and stunning sights. Cairo has an energy that makes it irresistible to explore and uncover its secrets. From its stunning architecture to its vibrant culture, Cairo will never disappoint. If you're looking for an exciting excursion, Cairo could be the perfect destination for a short break. It is an energetic city with plenty of activities to keep you engaged.
Our Egypt package includes a Camel and ATV rides, Cairo City tour, Hot Air Ballon tour, Cruise, and more. Airfare is not included. Passports are required. Vaccinations will not be required, but is subject to change in the future.
Secure this vacation package now to enjoy an unforgettable international experience.
4 Star Hotel TBA
, Cairo, EgyptPrice
- Diamond Package
- Luxury Hotel Stay
- Almost all meals included
- Airport Transfers
- YOLLO Swag Bag
- Group of 3 $2799/per person
- Group of 2 $2799/per person
- Individual $3,300
- Book Today
Prices based on (1) room & max # of guest in that room. You can have multiple rooms.
Frequently Asked Questions
All prices listed are per person. Under the package prices description, all amenities included in your package are per person and includes one (1) room for the group.
To reserve a package each group member pays the $29.99 per person fee. The first payment of $450 is due on or before March 05, 2023. The second payment of $450 per person is due on or before April 16, 2023. The final payment (remaining balance) is due on or before May 16, 2023. If the announced payment dates have passed contact us for our current payment plan. Any payments after the due date will incur late fees and is subject to cancellation. If you would like to make payments between due dates you may do so by clicking on the BUY NOW tab above and following the prompts.
Yes, we can accommodate any size group, but due to hotel regulations the max occupancy per room is four. This why you see pricing up to four.
While vaccinations are strongly recommended, they are no longer required to travel with us internationally, as long as the country does not require it. Should a country change its policy and you choose not to comply please note we DO NOT offer refunds. We strongly suggest you purchase traveler insurance. You can make that purchase by clicking on the Travel Guard link in the lower right corner of the website. This is not a change in our policy and does not mean that negative test and perhaps health registrations will not be required, however you are now responsible for being informed on this matter. If a country does not require vaccinations vaccination cards may be required and that can with the airlines you are traveling with. The airline can confirm that requirement with you. We recommend that you confirm these requirements prior to your arrival to the airport so that you are informed. You are encouraged to plan responsibly.
You follow the same procedure as you did for registration. You will select the First Payment option under package options.
You follow the same procedure as you did for registration. You will select the Partial Payment option under package options.
Yes. All prices are per person. The Reservation fee secures your spot on the package, and is separate from the package price.
Buy Now
Please use the form below to complete your booking. If there are any questions or concerns please contact us by phone at (888) 946-9655 or email onelife@goyollo.com